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GHamping Is A Totally Real Thing That You Can Do At The House From 'The Conjuring'

By Andrew Sanford | Film | May 30, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | Film | May 30, 2023 |

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I do not believe in spooks or specters. Part of that has to do with being a lapsed Catholic, and the other part, in my mind, feels like common sense. So much about paranormal “investigation” feels like a scam. Like most organized religions, people prey on the faith, belief, and malleability of others to get cash. I’m speaking from experience, having once participated in a… similar program.

In my experience, it’s all bullshit. Anyone who tells you that they can promise you a supernatural or paranormal experience is lying. There are people out there who take certain phenomena very seriously, but they are few and far between. So, my ears perked up when I heard about a new GHamping experience offered by the people who own the Conjuring House.

For the unfamiliar, the Conjuring House was a home in Rhode Island owned by The Perron family in the 1970s. It became notable when the family claimed to be experiencing supernatural instances on the property. Then, two of the biggest Paranormal scammers of them all, Ed and Lorraine Warren, swooped in and, according to the family, only made things worse. The case became the inspiration for the first Conjuring film.

Now, you can stay on the property. Well, you can stay on the surrounding property, in a tent, without access to running water. It will only cost you $300 a night unless you want to see inside the house! That’s extra. Also, the checkout times are stricter than most hotels. You can read the details here.

To call this a scam is a disservice to how much effort goes into scams. This is what happens when someone sees one of the seven thousand Fyre Fest documentaries and thinks, “What if I do that but spooky?” This isn’t even new to the franchise! The Warrens used to allow people to visit their property, get a tour of their “artifact room,” and then have dinner with them. Even they were smart enough to only charge $150 a pop.

There will probably be people who pay for this GHamping experience. Faith is a hell of a drug! My only hope is that whoever thought of this idea finds themselves with more trouble than it’s worth. They deserve at least that for taking advantage of people who just want to believe in something.