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'Free Guy' Gets a New, Spoilerrific Trailer, Still Coming August 13

By Nate Parker | Film | June 10, 2021 |

By Nate Parker | Film | June 10, 2021 |


Dustin and I aren’t only absurdly attractive New Englanders with a shared taste for bread from a can. We also share a decades-long affection for Ryan Reynolds, dating all the way back to his pizza place days. Even when the movie in question is a dud, he’s usually the best thing about it. So I got hyped for Free Guy back when it was first announced with a July 3, 2020 release date. I can’t exactly remember why it got delayed. I feel like there was something big happening last year, but it’s not important right now. For whatever reason, Free Guy got pushed to December 11, 2020. Then it got removed from the schedule entirely. And then it was coming May 21st of this year. And then, finally, well…

So yes! August 13 is definitely, absolutely, probably almost certainly when we get to see NPC Guy go from zero to hero in the open-world video game that encompasses his entire existence. And we’ve got a brand new trailer to prove it! Before you press play, though, be warned there are a lot of spoilers. I quit watching about 2/3rds of the way through to save some surprises for the theater. I’ll include the spoiler-free first trailer at the bottom. Here you go:

In spoiler-free summation: Open-world game, dirtbag players, Taika Waititi wants to shut down the servers, and Jodie Comer wants Ry-Ry to stop it. We’ve got gunfights, explosions, kissing, and existential discussion of whether life in a simulation means anything. Descartes would be proud, and also somewhat confused.


So get ready, because on (definitely, absolutely, probably) August 13 Free Guy will let an ordinary white dude be the hero for once.