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Cats Trailer.png

The Trailer for 'Cats' is Here and We Are Not Prepared For This

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | July 18, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | July 18, 2019 |

Cats Trailer.png

It’s here.


So remember how we were all trying to figure out what a big-budget movie adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cats would look like? Do you recall our confusion over how such an artistic endeavor could even take shape? Did any of you think it would look like this? Was anyone imagining it to be a ballet turned anti-drug PSA with fat jokes and sparkly salt shakers full of catnip? In your WILDEST dreams, did you see hairy Taylor Swift in heels? Be honest.

This movie will be bonkers. How could it not be? Did you not see all that DIGITAL FUR TECHNOLOGY?! This is top-level stuff, my friends, don’t knock it. People worked around the clock to ensure you’ll never sleep soundly at night because all you’ll see is feline Jason Derulo’s tongue. That song ‘Memory’ that Jennifer Hudson sings in the trailer? It’s really about how this movie will never leave you. And you thought that uncanny valley Sonic the Hedgehog was bad!

Start saving up for your movie night bar tab now, because Cats is coming this December and you are not ready.