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First Photo From 'A Quiet Place 2' Teases the Timeline

By Mae Abdulbaki | Film | December 18, 2019 |

By Mae Abdulbaki | Film | December 18, 2019 |


The lead-up to A Quiet Place 2 has been … quiet. Ahead of the film’s release next year, Paramount has strategically decided to put out a teaser for the film, but only ahead of the film Black Christmas. Until we get some substantial footage from the movie, a new still from the horror sequel at least lets us in on how long it’s been since the events of A Quiet Place.

Based on the photo alone, A Quiet Place 2 is set not long after the first film. Emily Blunt’s Evelyn is in the picture with her three kids. One of them is the baby born at the end of A Quiet Place. So, since the baby’s still a baby, it seems only a few months have passed. Spoiler alert: John Krasinski’s Lee was killed off at the end of the first film and it looks like he’ll still be dead here, with Evelyn and the kids short one person. Tragic.

In an interview with Total Film, director John Krasinski describes the struggles Evelyn and the kids will have to face in the sequel.

“All [Lee] wanted to do was survive. And [Evelyn] says, ‘That’s not enough. We have to thrive. We have to let these kids be whole human beings’. And after I’m gone, I’m loving seeing Emily really battle with that—that maybe survival was the way to go. And maybe this idea of thriving was too dangerous.”

Check out the still from A Quiet Place 2 below!

quiet place 2.jpg

The film will be in theaters on March 20, 2020.

Header Image Source: Paramount Pictures