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Here's Your First Look At Kristin Wiig Going Full 80s in 'Wonder Woman 1984'

By Tori Preston | Film | June 27, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | Film | June 27, 2018 |


We’ve known for a few months now that Kristin Wiig would be playing the villainous Cheetah in the upcoming 1984-set Wonder Woman sequel titled, appropriately enough, Wonder Woman 1984 (which is gonna get real confusing when DC gets ready to release their 1,984th sequel, but they’ve got time to work all that out). And now, straight from the film’s set, we’ve got our first look at Wiig in character — courtesy of director Patty Jenkins:

Oh, were you expecting to see her in spots? This is Cheetah’s civilian persona, Barbara Minerva, who in the comics is an archeologist that got her cat powers from an artifact, or maybe a blood ritual? Comics continuity is HARD, and that’s not even taking into account the fact that Minerva isn’t the only person to be Cheetah. But however she gets her powers, the character is an iconic Wonder Woman foe… and Kristin Wiig is going to be totally amazing, I’m sure. I mean, already she’s got that baggy sweatshirt/ side half-ponytail/ hanging in museums thing down. Bring on the crazy ’80s nerd-Wiig!

Wonder Woman 1984 is due to hit theaters on November 1, 2019.