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What Are Early Reviews of 'The Last Jedi' Saying?

By Jodi Smith | Film | December 12, 2017 |

By Jodi Smith | Film | December 12, 2017 |

The second film in the third trilogy of the Star Wars franchise drops Friday, but film reviewers have already gotten their eyes on it. Steven will turn in our review on Friday, but for now, how does The Last Jedi rate among other critics?

The movie currently has a score of 96% on Rotten Tomatoes with 99 critic reviews posted. Here are some highlights:

If expectations for “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” were inordinately (and perhaps unfairly) high, thank “The Force Awakens,” which had a huge donut hole in the shape of Luke Skywalker at its center. Yet even with Luke integrated into the story, the film feels like a significant letdown, one that does far less than its predecessor to stoke enthusiasm for the next leg in the trilogy.

Running more than 2 ½ hours, the eighth “Star Wars” movie built around the Skywalker clan is the longest under that banner and showcases an abundance of action. But despite the enormous scope and visual spectacle, too many key components of the film — including those that have kept die-hard fans guessing and debating — prove unsatisfying. - CNN

There are a ton of spoilers in this one if you follow the link to the full review:

As it turns out, although “The Last Jedi” meets a relatively high standard for franchise filmmaking, Johnson’s effort is ultimately a disappointment…

“The Last Jedi” possesses the same reverence for the galaxy Lucas created, paying homage in all the right places…while barely advancing the narrative. - Variety

When everything pulls in the same direction, as it does consistently in “The Last Jedi,” it’s like watching a mind-boggling clockwork click into a deft ballet. - John Wenzel, Denver Post
The Last Jedi feels like a deliberate, thought-through corrective. It sums up its theme in its title: it’s trying, as respectfully and carefully as possible, to let go of some of the old traditions, and look for the next steps for a world that’s rapidly expanding, and needs to escape its old, familiar conflicts if it’s going to grow. - The Verge
So many elements in Episode VIII are recycled that it could have been called Rerun of the Jedi. - Kyle Smith, National Review