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How Do You Make Good Dogs Bark At Dog-Lover Chris Evans?

By Kristy Puchko | Film | November 8, 2019 |

By Kristy Puchko | Film | November 8, 2019 |


Chris Evans is a dog person. He loves dogs, probably more than Lainey. Like seriously, major, major dog lover. He loves dogs so much that Dodger, the stray he adopted, is his Twitter header.

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Dodger is also a frequent co-star of Evans’ Twitter posts. Here he is singing:

Here they are cuddling.

Here is a moment of adulation:

And here is the moment they met.

But Evans love for doggos is too big for just Dodger. He loves them so much he often retweets dog content.

And we’re not the only ones who’ve noticed.

He even narrated a documentary about dogs.

Because of course he did.

However, in his new movie Knives Out, Evans plays very against type. In the first trailer for this critically heralded Rian Johnson murder-mystery, we see Best Chris playing a jerk who hates dogs. They bark and jump about him, and his scowling playboy Ransom Thrombey has no time for their sweet faces or want of cuddles. How did he do it? Acting! How did Johnson and his team get dogs to act like they hate a man whose charm is so doggone delightful there’s a whole Twitter account comparing him to Golden Retrievers?

Today, Evans shared the secret. And it’s adorable.

Knives Out opens November 27. And yes, the dogs are unharmed throughout.

Header Image Source: Lionsgate