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Greta Isabelle Huppert Chloe Moretz.jpg

Box Office Report: Tyler Perry's A Green Book Greta Dragon Day

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | March 3, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | March 3, 2019 |

Greta Isabelle Huppert Chloe Moretz.jpg

It’s been a week since the Oscars and I still haven’t recovered. The perils of that 8 hour time difference. And also the agony of watching Peter Flasher Farrelly’s White Saviour Chicken Frenzy win the most prestigious award the industry offers itself. Oh well, better luck next year? I’ve already seen people making their predictions for 2020 and while I admire the sheer commitment of it, I’m also very tired. Anyway, on with business.

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World held off competition from Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral this weekend, but not by much. They clung to the top spot with $30m, bringing their domestic total to around $97.6m. Meanwhile, Perry’s final film as Medea (he claims) brought in $27m, but that title managed it with 2000 fewer theatres! So yeah, Tyler Perry knows how to make money.

Green Book got its expected Best Picture boost as Universal pushed it into 1300+ extra theatres this week and grossed $4.7m. Ugh. Other Oscar winners did well from this past weekend, such as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, A Star is Born (which included new footage), and Free Solo.

Also new this week to the top ten is Neil Jordan’s Greta, which debuted at number 8 with a disappointing $4.5m from 2411 theatres. Seems like there wasn’t much hunger for an old-school crazy stalker lady thriller. How dare we disrespect Isabelle Huppert like this.

In limited release, we saw some really striking indie films do well. Neon’s documentary Apollo 11 led the way with $1.65m from 120 IMAX screens. Gaspar Noe’s latest film Climax, which has been called his most accessible title (that’s a very different scale for Noe compared to most film-makers), brought in $121k from 5 theatres. Saint Judy, a biopic about the immigration attorney Judy Wood, only made $41k from 55 theatres (a $750 per screen average). The Wedding Guest, which everyone has agreed is basically Dev Patel’s extended audition for Bond (we are not mad), brought in $20k from 4 theatres. Transit, one of my favourite films of 2019 so far, made $35k from 2 theatres.

Header Image Source: Focus Features