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Adam Devine Gives You The Time-Traveling Friend-Zone Comedy That Red Pillers Have Been Begging For

By Kristy Puchko | Film | January 29, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Film | January 29, 2018 |


Just when you thought The Layover was the worst Alexandra Daddario could make, here comes When We First Met. This Netflix comedy stars Adam Devine as a Nice Guy who is SUPER bummed when the girl he’s into thinks of him as a friend and ends up with somebody else. So when he time travels back to the day they met, he naturally uses the all of his knowledge about her likes to try to creep his way out of The Friend Zone, which is a totally real thing that is in no way insulting to women or their sexual agency.

Here’s the trailer:

See, it’s not that she wasn’t into him. It was that he “waited too long,” and so got the dreaded hug on the way to “friends with female.” I mean WHY even talk to a woman if you can’t get in those panties, amirite? But it’s cool. All he’s got to do is “be an asshole,” because women love that. Trust the man who says that instead of literally any woman ever. After all, it’s not like women are people who have thoughts, feelings, and opinions. They’re confounding treasures who need to be bullied and tricked into loving men.

Look, maybe this will take a daring third-act turn, like Colossal (though definitely no way as cool as Colossal.) Maybe Devine’s character will learn a lesson: not only that it’s shitty to try to con a woman into loving you, but also that it’s not cool to pretend you’re a friend, when really you’re a mopey Nice Guy who feels entitled to your gal pal’s body. After all, it’s from the director of The Duff and I hear that’s good. And on the upside, it looks like Devine’s douchebag at least gets his ass kicked repeatedly. Then again, you could also just not watch this and not bother exposing yourself to Devine’s so-called comedy stylings of sexist jokes and yelling.


When We First Met will hit Netflix on February 9th.