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Real-Life Karen, Taryn Manning, Stars in the Trailer for 'Karen,' Which Is Real-Life Bad

By Dustin Rowles | Film | June 22, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | June 22, 2021 |


I don’t know why it should surprise me to find out that someone who is gay can also be a racist. It shouldn’t surprise me. My father was gay. Also a racist. It is very possible to be loving in some ways, and hateful in others, and yet I was still a little surprised to learn last week that Taryn Manning had gotten engaged to her girlfriend, Anne Cline, last week.

Good for her! But also, Taryn Manning — Pennsatucky from Orange is the New Black — has also expressed adamant support for Donald Trump, she has tied the Black Lives Matter movement to George Soros, and she is a believer of the QAnon conspiracy theory. She has a lot of HOLY BIBLE energy.

She’s also starring alongside Cory Hardrict and Jasmine Burke as the title character in a movie called Karen, which is currently being shredded on social media and being compared, unfavorably, to Jordan Peele’s Get Out.

I should note because it’s not as obvious as you might think: This is not a parody trailer. This is a real movie from director Coke Daniels about Karen Drexler (Manning), a racist white woman who makes it her personal mission to displace the new Black family that has just moved in next door to her. It was purchased a few days ago by 13 Films ahead of the Cannes virtual market. Interestingly, in her statement about the film, Taryn Manning did not drop any references to #q.

“I felt a social responsibility to take on this role. Even if I had to play the villain to affect [sic] change around the globe, then I was more than willing to step into the role. What’s been going on is devastating. It’s time for change and for me to be a part of the bigger picture, meant a lot to me.” I’m sure she then added, under her breath, “Do you know Trump has saved more children from human trafficking than Obama ever did. No? Look it up.”