By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 19, 2020 |
By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 19, 2020 |
You need to be following Mandy Patinkin on Twitter. The Homeland star is currently staying home with his wife, Kathryn Grody, and their son Gideon Grody-Patinkin. They’ve been sharing enchanting moments of familial silliness through a string of videos that are utterly enchanting.
Let’s begin with their latest. Posted this morning, the vid below shows Gideon offering his Boomer parents a pop-quiz over dinner. What’s Pizza Rat? What’s TikTok? Their answers are a gift.
Pop culture quiz pt 2 (Pizza Rat, TikTok)
— Mandy Patinkin (@PatinkinMandy) May 19, 2020
Part one of this quiz begins with a very mom moment. Grody chastises her son for filming her without lipstick. A debate begins about whether women need lipstick, and Grody schools him before taking a stab at the Dab and Gangnam Style.
Pop culture quiz pt 1 (Dab and Gangnam Style)
— Mandy Patinkin (@PatinkinMandy) May 18, 2020
How well do Patinkin and Grody know text acronyms? LMAO? BRB? IRL? Their guesses are better than the actual answers.
Who makes these up!? Learning to communicate.
— Mandy Patinkin (@PatinkinMandy) April 21, 2020
Of course, there’s absolutely no reason Patinkin and Grody need to know any of the above pop-culture tidbits. But for those of us who can’t visit our Boomer parents right now, isn’t it comforting to live vicariously through this famous family’s playful generation clash?
Want more? Sure you do. Here’s Patinkin pondering the meaning of GIF.
— Mandy Patinkin (@PatinkinMandy) May 11, 2020
Want to watch this 42-year-married couple being adorable?
The most words my wife’s remembered to any song.
— Mandy Patinkin (@PatinkinMandy) May 8, 2020
Now see them get real and be real relationship goals.
42 years and one day after our first date. True love.
— Mandy Patinkin (@PatinkinMandy) April 17, 2020
Finally, enjoy Patinkin impersonating his dog Becky.
Mandy dog training: Dog empathy.
— Mandy Patinkin (@PatinkinMandy) April 20, 2020