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You Guys, Mischa Barton Is So Sad

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | July 7, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | July 7, 2016 |

Does it feel like the whole world is on fire? Of course it does. Today, most of us woke up to news that an African American man named Philando Castile had been murdered by police, less than 48 hours after Alton Sterling had been killed by police (both with harrowing videos taken of the events), barely halfway through a year in which there have been nearly 150 mass shootings in the U.S. alone.

And yet, some of us are simply hit harder by these events than others. And who is hit the hardest? Celebrities, obviously.

Well, not all celebrities. But (almost) unbelievably narcissistic and tone-deaf celebrities like Mischa Barton (of The O.C. and doing terribly on Dancing With the Stars), who just have so much time and money to spend away from the world, with only their thoughts and insights and money and wine to focus on— these are the people who feel the most.

Less than a week ago, Barton posted a picture of her “happy place” on Instagram.

my happy place 🌊

A photo posted by Mischa Barton (@mischamazing) on

But now, it’s almost like that same place isn’t happy at all. Like, the state of the world is so #heartbreaking that she can’t even enjoy her #rosé.


Here’s the caption to that #sad picture (via Mashable), which was taken down from her Instagram after a few hours of #thought.

I’m truly heart broken to watch videos like the #altonsterling execution. This may have been going on forever in the United States but thank god the pigs get caught on camera now. Its unthinkable and an embarrassment to America. The country I was brought up in. Somebody make change. We need gun control and unity. And a real President so think about that when this election is around the corner. The world is a precarious place right now.#stop #reflect and #act appropriately

Now, I don’t want to imply that anyone shouldn’t be free to share their opinion, or that celebrities, with their giant platform and hundreds of thousands of followers shouldn’t take the opportunity to show support, sadness, outrage, or otherwise bring attention to these events.

But for chrissakes, asking #somebody to make #change, from the safety of your goddamn yacht, is not the same as actually convincing anyone you care about anything but your wine glass.

Mischa Barton, can I convince you to #stop and #reflect for just a second before you make a total ass of yourself?

Sigh. I know.