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French Open Changes Dress Code Because HOW DARE SHE

By Tori Preston | Celebrity | August 24, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | Celebrity | August 24, 2018 |


Are you clutching your pearls? Good. Because in a recent interview with Tennis Magazine, French Tennis Federation President Bernard Giudicelli reportedly said that the French Open would be instituting a firmer dress code. “I think that sometimes we’ve gone too far,” he said (according to the Associated Press).

You might be asking yourself, “But wait — what’s gone too far?” And the answer is, of course: Serena goddamn Williams. Giudicelli singled out her black Nike catsuit, which she wore at the tournament earlier this year.

Giudicelli said: “It will no longer be accepted. One must respect the game and the place.”

And look, I’m not here to argue about whether a scientifically-designed power suit that covers ALL THE BITS UP is somehow less respectful than the typical tiny tennis skirt. I’d just like the point out that Williams wasn’t just wearing it to be different, or because it made her feel like a “warrior princess kinda queen from Wakanda.” She was wearing it for her blood clot issues, which came to a head after the traumatic birth of her child (she ended up having to have multiple surgeries to remove clots in the days following her C-section). Wearing pants helps with circulation. She’s literally wearing this catsuit for her health.

So lemme get this straight: Wearing pants is somehow disrespectful to the tournament, but telling one of the best athletes in the world that her health is less important than their collective sensibilities is a-ok.

Cool. Cool cool cool.