By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 12, 2020 |
By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 12, 2020 |
Last week, Bryan Adams was chiefly known as a past-his-prime Canadian rock star famous for songs like “Summer of ‘69”, “(Everything I Do) I Do It for You,” and “Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?” Then, he shared something jaw-droppingly racist on social media.
Adams played a bit of “Cuts Like A Knife” on Instagram to reach out to fans who were missing out on a concert canceled because of the COVID 19 shutdowns. That’s all good. Then there’s the caption, in which Adams wrote:
Tonight was supposed to be the beginning of a tenancy of gigs at the @royalalberthall, but thanks to some f*cking bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus making greedy bastards, the whole world is now on hold, not to mention the thousands that have suffered or died from this virus. My message to them other than “thanks a f*cking lot” is go vegan.
Yes. Bryan Adams just went from well-regarded Canadian balladeer to ranting racist who is blaming the Chinese and meat-eating on COVID-19. The Guardian notes that Adams is conflating various theories about the origins of COVID-19, none of which have been confirmed. Some of which have been touted by President Trump for blatantly political ends.
Here’s how Twitter reacted.
Some called out the racism of these remarks.
Bryan Adams did a racism.
— Alexander Quon (@AlexanderQuon) May 12, 2020
Bryan Adams is a racist piece of shit. Won't be getting any support from me anymore #BryanAdamsIsCancelled #BryanAdamsIsOverParty
— Ebbie (@elisedubois) May 12, 2020
So we’ve found out Bryan Adams is a total bellend. Are we very shocked though?
— gabe (@altending) May 12, 2020
anybody have ‘bryan adams racist meltdown’ in the 2020-is-a-hot-mess pool
— rax king-lalli-music (@RaxKingIsDead) May 12, 2020
OK, so look: if you do not understand why Bryan Adams' tweet was super fucking racist, I can't help you.
— Elizabeth C. McLaughlin 🩸🦷 (@ECMcLaughlin) May 12, 2020
You are part of the problem.
JFC we are in the dumbest human timeline ever.
Many cracked jokes.
Me, a junior in high school: 'Summer of 69' is kind of cool, but why doesn't Bryan Adams mention the Vietnam War or Martin Luther King getting killed or the Civil Rights Movement or stuff like that?
— Mike "Wilson's All-Time Bestie" Sell (@mike_sell) May 12, 2020
Future me, stepping out of the DeLorean: Here you go, kid.
Ok, algorithm. FIRST of all, Bryan Adams NEVER rocked. Second…
— St. Sluggo, friendly neighborhood anarchist (@SaintSluggo) May 12, 2020
When did Bryan Adams become an American?
— snackwrapmafia (@SnackWrapMafia) May 12, 2020
*goes to remove any Bryan Adams songs from my library*
— Kyla (@kylaer_) May 12, 2020
Oh nvm
Bryan Adams said something incredibly stupid and ignorant. There are talks of boycotting his music. Well I for one do not need a stupid tweet to boycott Bryan Adams. I stopped listening to his music because he sucks balls.
— RichardB🇺🇸💗💙💗💙🇬🇧 (@RichardBuffalo2) May 12, 2020
Bryan Adams proving that going vegan either makes you a better person or it turns you into Morrissey
— Lexi ☠(@sacred_oasis) May 12, 2020
Bryan Adams right about now. #BryanAdams
— 🇨🇦 The Greg White North 🇨🇦 (@GREGMESH) May 12, 2020
Others—including Katie Hopkins—supported Adams.
“thanks to some f—king bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus making greedy bastards, the whole world is now on hold, not to mention the thousands that have suffered or died from this virus” Bryan Adams.
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) May 12, 2020
What a legend. #BryanAdams #COVID19
Bryan Adams talks sense. Gets called racist. I now find myself a conservative. How the fuck did that happen?
— Liam Brown (@LiamPBrown) May 12, 2020
Oh dear #BryanAdams has pissed off the twitter lynch mob. No I won't cancel Bryan Adams and throw out his brilliant music just because some one on the other end of the internet weeping into their smartphones tells me to do so. 🙄🤔
— Richard Daborn (@rdaborn) May 12, 2020
Twitter loses its shit because a Vegan says eating bats and wild animals is a bad thing. Welcome to 2020, Bryan Adams.
— James O'kane (@jokane_cellar) May 12, 2020
Then, there were those who didn’t see how mocking Chinese food culture and painting the Chinese as a “greedy bastards” who allegedly made a world-ravaging virus is racist.
Dear Twitter,
— DaHazzo (@Da_Hazzo) May 12, 2020
Can someone please explain to me how this Bryan Adams tweet is racist?
Kind Regards
Maybe unrelated, but this feels relevant.
the thing is, i didn't expect the dystopia to be this stupid
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) May 12, 2020
Meanwhile, it is only Tuesday.