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Why Do People Want Mindy Kaling and B.J. Novak Together So Much? We Examine

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | May 11, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | May 11, 2015 |

In the latest edition of InStyle, Mindy Kaling addressed her relationship with BJ Novak, calling it “weird as hell.” The two are best friends, frequent collaborators and also exes. The internet desperately wants them to de-ex themselves. But why? Well, I think I know.

Because they are each other’s soup snakes.

Soup snakes, defined. No they’re not Oberyn Martell’s daughters.

Because he thinks she’s perfect.

Noooo Mindy you're perfect don't get lamer #LOLOL

A photo posted by B.J. Novak (@picturesoftext) on

Because they educate each other.

They’re even cute when they’re insulting each other.

They support each other.

Because Danny Castellano is based on him. Kind of.

“I definitely think that’s how Mindy sometimes see me, but [Danny’s] a very masculine, swaggering character, which I’m not as much of in real life. I like Messina’s character and would like to be more like that, but I don’t recognize myself in Danny that much. I do notice the dynamic in which they fight without the love ever being in doubt. That reminds me of me and Mindy.”
- BJ to Glamour

Because they know, you guys.

And thank you for the cookie in honor of my soup snake @mindykaling

A photo posted by B.J. Novak (@picturesoftext) on

