By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 2, 2020 |
By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 2, 2020 |
If you write about pop culture, you spend some time on social media, and if you spend any time on social media, you will invariably find photos of Kate Beckinsale, who hasn’t really produced much of consequence as an actress since playing Woman #3 in “Republicans, Get Out of My Vagina.” However, Beckinsale regularly kills it on Instagram, as both a poster and a commenter (she’s probably second to Chrissy Teigen in appearances on CommentsByCelebs). Her posts are usually very attractive photos of herself, while her comments are often directed toward the assholes who leave comments suggesting she is too old to post bikini photos. She is very good at what she does. To wit:
Meanwhile, here she is karaoke-ing with goddamn Walder Frey (David Bradley is Beckinsale’s godfather and her late father’s best friend because in the UK, everyone knows each other).
What’s peculiar, however, is how often Beckinsale is seen with this guy:
Beckinsale refers to him as Jonny in Instagram, but his name is Jonathan Voluck, and I am convinced that Beckinsale is great friends with him because he makes her look super tall by comparison in photos. As Tori notes, he looks like Polly Pocket’s Eurotrash dad.
Beckinsale is 5’7, although you wouldn’t know it in photos with Voluck.
That’s not a bad friend to have. Voluck, by the way, is a “casting associate,” although he only has three credits, so far, and all three were in 2019. He has also been described in gossip rags as an “executive at Paramount Television,” although his LinkedIn says that he is an Executive Assistant to SVP of Drama Development at Paramount, which is not quite the same thing. Personally, I think he’s just a very fancy man about town, a young Richard Grant character, the guy that convinces you to have that tequila shot and then covers up your crimes three hours later. He’s a good guy to have around.