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How Did Bradley Cooper Add On All That Weight to Play Chris Kyle in 'American Sniper'?

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 20, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 20, 2015 |

I am weirdly fascinated by the means with which actors go through in order to gain or lose weight for movie roles. For instance, Matthew McConaughey’s weight-loss diet for Dallas Buyers Club consisted basically of 5 ounces of fish, a couple of vegetables twice a day, pudding in the morning, and red wine at night.

Meanwhile, Christian Bale managed to lose 63 pounds for The Machinist by living on one apple and one can of tuna fish per day for FOUR MONTHS. That sucks. How did Chris Pratt lose 60 pounds and get ripped for Guardians? By cutting out beer, increasing his caloric intake to 4000 calories a day, and working out three to four hours a day.

How did George Clooney put on 30 pounds in 30 days for Syriana? Gorging on pasta until he wanted to puke. Every day. Rob McElhenney put on 52 pounds for It’s Always Sunny but eating 5 1,000 calorie meals per day (which often included donuts and, appropriately, Big Macs).

As for Bradley Cooper in American Sniper? He bulked up 40 pounds of pure muscle by eating every 55 minutes, consuming around 8,000 calories a day. He also worked out for four hours a day for several months.

Still undetermined: How did Jake Gyllenhaal go from this:


To this?


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