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What the Hell Is Darcing, and Why Is Hayley Atwell Doing It?

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | October 19, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | October 19, 2015 |

When you awoke this morning your brain realized it was Monday, sobbed and threw a tantrum, and tried to roll back over and go back to sleep. For those of you who successfully roused your brain, I have the best possible Monday reward/treat! No, it’s not a triplejamocapeanutbutterlatteextrawhipnoattitude. Sorry! No, it’s not doughnuts. Sorry! No, it’s not your favorite celebrity in his/her first ever nude photos. Sorry! But what it actually is is as good as all those things, and then some. It’s DARCING!

WTF is Darcing, your poor, tired, coffee/nude photos/donut-deprived brain cries out. I have never heard of this thing. Why should I be excited about it? Well, for one thing, it includes Europe (no, not that Europe, this Europe),

our goddess on high, Hayley Atwell,


and James D’Arcy doing something that resembles dancing but isn’t; it’s DARCING:

And then Enver did it:

And then Bridget did it.

And then the whole Agent Carter cast and crew did it.

And then, Hayley did it, and we all fell to our knees.

As did Team Shield, because Darcing led Team Carter to the #DubsmashWars win ($79,783 to $75,232 raised to aid St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital and to Stomp Out Bullying).

Everybody’s Darcing!

Now, isn’t that better than doughnuts? Happy Monday, y’all.

(h/t Craig Wack)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)