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What Happened to These Celebrities' Beautiful Faces?

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | June 26, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | June 26, 2016 |

It’s now been two whole weeks since Meg Ryan traumatized Tony Awards audiences by daring to show up to the event with a face that is her face but is different from the face she used to have, like 25 years ago.




Yeesh, I hear you, shitty headlines. WHAT HAPPENED TO MEG RYAN? Most of these articles and the tweets and Facebook posts that made the story of Ryan’s face go viral (WE DID IT, YOU GUYS!) point out that the “this” Ryan doesn’t look like anymore is this “this”:


Now she looks like this:


Gah! It’s almost like she had a bunch of plastic surgery, which is weird, because what about a society that talked more about an aging actress’ face than the same weekend’s horrific mass shooting could make a woman whose career is based so heavily on her looks want to get plastic surgery? Ugh, she also totally looks like nearly 25 years have passed in between those two photos, but we all know that the passage of time IS NO EXCUSE FOR AGING. Like being 54 years old is ANY reason to not still be 30. It’s just— as Donald Trump, expert in opinions about women, would say— sad.

And yet we see this ALL the time. These celebrities are letting time ruin the faces we fell in love with! I mean, just check out these other celebrities who have let simple aging get in the way of their money makers. They’ve totally let themselves go.

Harrison Ford


Silver fox? More like silver NOT. This isn’t the Han Solo I remember.

Paul McCartney


Remember when he was “the cute one.” How sad that he let a mere 60 years change the way his face looks.

Haley Joel Osment


Ugh, someone let himself go. How hard is it to just stay 11?

Johnny Depp


Okay, this one is legit. This monster person was clearly rotting from the inside out.