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What Did Trump Say To Melania?

By Bekka Supp and Jodi Clager | Celebrity | January 24, 2017 |

By Bekka Supp and Jodi Clager | Celebrity | January 24, 2017 |

Yesterday, we ran across this quick little video that is making the rounds on Twitter and Facebook. And for reasons unknown to us, we felt compelled to share and dissect.

Jodi: God, I think I actually feel sorry for her. Which I did not yesterday. Despair and ennui envelope her like the baby blue coat dress she so lovingly chose to make her debut as FLOTUS.

There’s gotta be more to this. We’re going to have to Magic-Bullet Theory this. Let’s see it from another angle:

Bekka: I get the very specific feeling that this is going to be the first “divorce-while-in-office” and I want to go to law school just so I can become a lawyer and help her pro-bono.

Wait. Enhance.

Jodi: I think that the person to STFU Donny’s left heard what he said too, because she looks like she just saw some shit.


Bekka: DUDE. DIG IN.


While other outlets have surmised that the First Lady’s response could be her just running through the motions or the alternative truth is that the video was reversed (it’s not), we’re still sitting here trying to figure out what to make of all of this. The speculation is endless. It may be nothing. It may be a fucked up situation, but it’s certainly noteworthy. Rather than give credence to a relationship we can only speculate from a public standpoint, we really want to know what you think. You have the evidence, without a lot of commentary. We’ll let you decide.