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How Would Scarlett Johansson Feel If Her Roles Were Taken By Trans Men?

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | July 11, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | July 11, 2018 |


Scarlett Johansson doesn’t care what the trans community has to say about her tone-deaf decision to play a trans man in the upcoming biopic Rub and Tug. Rather than focus on a movie that hasn’t yet been made—and so could still potentially cast a trans performer in its lead to better represent the community it supposedly reflects—ScarJo suggests you take this issue up with cisgender actors who won awards for playing trans! 1) We did. 2) Boycotting movies that came out years ago or a TV show that has since fired its cisgender star over his alleged sexual misconduct against trans performers won’t have much of an impact on how filmmakers continue to misrepresent the trans community.

ScarJo’s not new to criticism or dismissing it. When Johansson was criticized for whitewashing in Ghost In The Shell, she argued White Feminism excuses: women are underrepresented in general, all women roles matter, shouldn’t we just be happy there’s an action movie with a female lead? Well, some talented trans men have tried to illustrate to this A-lister what it’d look like if the tables were turned.

Here are trans men auditioning for Scarlett Johansson roles.