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Video Footage of George Clooney's Motorcycle Accident Has Surfaced, and Holy Shit!

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 11, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 11, 2018 |


Remember how flip I was about George Clooney’s motorcycle accident yesterday? I assumed because he left through the side exit of the hospital before the media infiltrated that he was OK. And I think that he was: He only suffered minor injuries, which is a f**king miracle if you look at the video footage.

(If that video doesn’t work for you, you can go to the source, although I ultimately had to use Firefox (instead of Chrome) to make it work).

Dude just SHOT UP into the sky, and how he walked away from that with only minor injuries — “a slight trauma to the pelvis and bruises to one leg and an arm” — is stupefying. According to TMZ, he was going 60 mph, he shot up 20 feet and had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance after he landed.

And yet, now he’s at home recovering and there’s not expected to be any delays in the production of Catch 22. Is Clooney some kind of secret superhero?

As you can see from the video, it was also clearly the other guy’s fault for turning into the other lane while there was still oncoming traffic, and by oncoming traffic, I mean George Clooney on a scooter.

via Uproxx