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Twitter's Favorite Supermodel, Chrissy Teigen, Skedaddles After Death Threats Over Ill-Timed Joke

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 24, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | October 24, 2014 |

Chrissy Teigen — supermodel, lover of food, light of life, wife of John Legend, and giver of no f**ks — is abandoning Twitter for the less contentious, less death-threat-y lands of Instagram, after an ill-advised joke she made at the expense of America shortly after the shooting in Ottawa blew up in her face.

Teigen is known for playing with fire on Twitter, and has not in the past backed down after pissing off her hundreds of thousands of followers. In fact, it’s what’s great about her. She may, however, have eked across the line with the tweet that got her in trouble: “Active shooting in Canada, or as we call it in america, wednesday.”

After Twitter went apoplectic on her for the bad timing of the Tweet, Teigen refused to back down, later tweeting: “Sorry you don’t understand that is a knock at america and our issues with gun control. No one is minimizing the Ottawa shooting.”

That didn’t stem the tide of outrage, however, so after receiving death threats and other various insults (no doubt, gendered), Tiegen quit Twitter and took her ball over to Instagram.

To be fair, that’s a joke that both Jon Stewart and John Oliver would make. Granted, they’d wait a day or two or three after the events before making the joke, instead of during the shooting. Striking the Twitter iron while it’s hot will get your hand burned.

And this is also why I stare at a Tweet for 20 minutes and attempt to anticipate every possible negative response before pushing the Tweet button. It’s also why I’m lousy at Twitter.

In the meantime, there’s plenty of appreciate about Teigen’s Instagram account.

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