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Twitter Lambasts Columnist David Brooks Over Idiotic Tweet, and It's Very Satisfying

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 26, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 26, 2019 |


I do not like what’s going on in the world of politics this morning: Trump taking a victory lap on Hannity after getting his ass kicked in the Mueller hearings; Biden’s commanding lead not only among Democrats but in the general election; some weird friction between Kamala and Biden, who feels betrayed by being called out by Harris even though Kamala was close friends with his son Beau Biden; more sniping about how the media covered the Mueller hearings; late-night comics making fun of Mueller; yet another report saying that Russian hacking into the 2016 election was even more widespread than previously believed; the Republicans refusing to do anything about it because they know it’s the only way they can maintain power in the White House; and Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship to the chief executive of Victoria’s Secret, which is painfully on the nose.

It’s exhausting, so I am going to take an easy win this Friday morning. Here’s a tweet from NYTimes columnist David Brooks:

If you’re annoyed or angry or disgusted with that tweet, you are not alone!

A few people are also calling out David Brooks for leaving his wife for his much younger research assistance, which I was not aware of until this morning. That’s Brooks and his new wife in the header. These tweets are mean.

There’s not a lot of joy in the world right now, but seeing David Brooks being dragged on Twitter this morning was immensely satisfying, and right now, I’ll take what I can get.