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Twitter Drags Ellen DeGeneres With Her #SorryNotSorryEllen Prompt

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | March 3, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | March 3, 2020 |


Despite her many years of dancing for your mom’s amusement, Ellen DeGeneres has been wearing out her welcome with fans who feel her friendly schtick is a facade and a toxic one at that. Between her Kevin Hart apologism, her defense of George W. Bush, and her mocking of Millenials, and her bad strategy of coming for Dakota Johnson, DeGeneres has been picking up detractors over the last year. So when she tweeted #SorryNotSorryEllen, it backfired.

It began as a Twitter prompt game.

Sure, there were plenty of fans (of the talk show host or Twitter games) that played along, sharing their anecdotes or petty transgressions and proud passive-aggression. Here’s some:

Then, there was a flurry of tweets that took the opportunity to call DeGeneres out. Here’s a selection: