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Zac Efron Getty 1.jpg

Twitter Argues Over the Hottest Era of Zac Efron

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | January 4, 2021 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | January 4, 2021 |

Zac Efron Getty 1.jpg

Zac Efron is extremely easy to like. He’s a delightful himbo of a man who can sing, dance, smolder, rip off his shirt at the drop of a hat, and seems to have no qualms with doing totally batsh*t stunts for our entertainment. Zefron is currently living his best life in Australia with his girlfriend and delighting us with his newest Netflix documentary series. It only makes sense that Twitter decided to collectively coo over him this weekend. I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often.

Anyhow, Twitter’s main topic of discussion was the hottest era of Efron. For 33, he’s experienced his fair share of transformations, mostly in the hair and abs departments. Lots to dissect for purely scientific purposes.

And yes, there were people squeeing over him when he played Ted Bundy, and no, I’m not including that here.

As for me, I think I’m a fan of the current era Zefron: A bit scruffy, cut by the gods, excited to discover the world, and probably ready to tap dance at the drop of a hat.