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Tom Holland 'Saved Spider-Man' While Drunk and Sobbing and it's Adorable

By Mae Abdulbaki | Celebrity | December 5, 2019 |

By Mae Abdulbaki | Celebrity | December 5, 2019 |


It wasn’t that long ago that Sony and Disney announced that their alliance was over; Sony was taking back full custody of the beloved neighborhood Spider-Man. The internet wept because it meant Tom Holland’s Spider-Man would no longer be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. You see, Tom Holland was a gift to the MCU, which was full of traditional uber-masculine superheroes like Iron Man and Captain America (don’t believe me, just watch Captain America: Civil War). Peter Parker — and by extension Holland, of course — was down-to-earth, friendly, and had a heart of gold.

However, after a lot of outrage, which included some fans clamoring to boycott Sony’s films, came the news that Sony and Disney changed their minds, made up, and voila! Spider-Man would remain in the MCU. According to Tom Holland, his call with Disney CEO Bob Iger might have had something to do with the change of heart. “I saved Spider-Man,” Holland said, though it wasn’t “entirely” his doing.

In an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Tom Holland — after explaining that he hired his brother as his personal chef while filming — detailed his phone call with Bob Iger. Long story short, Holland wanted to send him an email thanking him for allowing him to play in the MCU sandbox and Iger responded back immediately.

When Holland finally received the promised phone call, he was “three pints in.” Oops! Drunk and in the middle of a conversation with f*cking Bob Iger, Tom Holland full-on WEPT. He cried and felt emotional because it was all coming to an end and he didn’t want it to, obviously. The whole story is rather adorable, so please protect Tom Holland at all costs!

You can watch the actor recite the full story to Jimmy Kimmel in the clip below.

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