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In the Name of Equality, Tom Hiddleston Will Happily Show You His ... Everything

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | September 23, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | September 23, 2015 |

Apparently, my Slow Burn Crush is up for doing everything he can to remain in my good graces — and my…uh, sexytimes dreams. Sheesh, could this guy be any more adorable? Does he always know how to say the right thing? (FTR, the answers are no, and yes, respectively.) For example, speaking with Interview, the Hiddles discussed his personal resolution to give people more face time…

“One of my New Year’s resolutions, which I had not thought about all weekend until you asked me, was to interact more with people. That sounds quite technical, but literally face time. Not FaceTime, because that’s a thing now, but to be in the room with someone. To turn your phone off. To sit and have dinner and just be there with somebody. If you can run around the corner and say hello to someone do that instead of emailing. It’s always more rewarding; the connection is always more authentic. If you’ve got something to say and you can say it someone’s face, it’s so much better…”

I’ll just take this moment to let Tom know my face is right here if he wants to practice. Pop on by anytime, Tom!

He also spoke a bit about balance (in reference to his upcoming film, High Rise); our moral balance as humans,

“I fundamentally believe that in the moral balance of the human race, we right ourselves. If we feel like the ship’s keel is off, we find a way to steer ourselves through the storm repeatedly.”

and in a separate, balance-related statement about another of his upcoming movies — Guillermo del Toro’s Crimson Peak — Hiddleston talked about his willingness to help achieve NUDITY EQUALITY (a subject very near and dear to our…hearts, here at Pajiba):

“It’s so often in movies that women are more naked than men and that’s unfair. We wanted to sort of redress the balance.

I didn’t have a problem with the nakedness because I felt that there’s always been a strain of sexuality in Gothic romance as much as there has been the fear of death and the threat of violence. It’s a very violent film and I felt like we needed to balance that. So if we’re going to bring up the violence we needed to bring up the sense of sexuality.”

I’m sorry, what did he say? I think I blacked out after the part where he said “I didn’t have the problem with the nakedness.”


I mean, since I saw the trailer and that (header gif) crawl, I was already on that film like The Swinton’s Eve on Hiddles’ Adam,


but, uh…Sorry, gotta run now (*desperately hunting ticket sites*), I mean, I’m not a prevert or anything. I’m just SUPER PRO-EQUALITY. You can’t blame me for that, right?

Look, we’ve all got the same junk;


there’s no reason to hide it.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)