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Tom Hanks Reminds Us Context Matters When It Comes To Manspreading

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | March 5, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | March 5, 2015 |

Tom Hanks’ image as America’s Sweetheart was sullied a few months back when shocking photos revealed he took up two seats on a subway car. The web was quick to react, essentially calling the Bosom Buddies star history’s greatest monster. But Hanks is fighting back, reminding us that when it comes to manspreading—much like the Bible and getting fired up about celeb comments—context matters.

Gothamist shared this VINE of Hanks’ defense as laid out to MSN during a Knicks game:

For those unfamiliar with the bane of straphanger existence that is “manspreading,” it’s when a person spreads their legs wide and takes up their unfair share of limited subway seats. Mostly men do it, because—like politics and the Bible—it boils down to ball-havers are just entitled to more. But to be fair to ball-haver Hanks, the original photo shows him manspreading in what we now know is a half-empty subway car.

Order restored. We can all go back to loving Tom Hanks again.


Kristy Puchko has been told her entire personality can be blamed on seeing The ‘Burbs too young.