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Tom Felton Is Teaching Emma Watson Guitar And OMG ARE THEY DATING??

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | August 19, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | August 19, 2019 |


Perhaps you have seen a little film series called Harry Potter and the All of the Things? If so, you know that Tom Felton portrayed Draco Malfoy, the butthole, and Emma Watson was Belle Hermione Granger. Blah blah blah, super great. What’s interesting about that is nothing, but Felton posted a photo of himself and Watson together about nine hours ago with their location being in Africa.

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Quick learner x

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Obviously, everyone has decided that Watson and Felton are totally dating, because you only give guitar lessons to people you want to serenade to Bonetown.

Do you need more evidence of a Waton, er maybe Felson… uh Tomma romance? What about this photo of the Harry Potter cast where the two are standing next to each other??

Meanwhile, Watson previously shared that she was obsessed with Felton from the ages of 10 to 12. Felton knew about the crush and said he saw Watson as a little sister, crushing her for all time. But also, the two pop up frequently enough on Watson’s Instagram account to keep those rumors about uh, Feltson pumping.

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School mates #hogwartsalumni

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So, are they dating? The pair say no but our hearts say, “WHY NOT? YOU’RE BOTH GORGEOUS AND YOUNG!” Life is short, so you should definitely date your childhood crush just to cross it off of your to-do list, am I right?