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Tom Cruise Takes His Commitment to Doing His Own Stunts to New Levels of Psychotic

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | November 3, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | November 3, 2014 |

Do you see the military plane below? It’s traveling at 250 mph. If you look very closely, you’ll see a man strapped to the side of that plane. That man is Tom Cruise, and this is a stunt from the next Mission Impossible movie. Tom Cruise is 52 years old, and he makes the rest of us look like chumps.



This is why Tom Cruise is the most resilient actor in Hollywood. It’s why, for all his faults as a person, you have to admire the determination of Tom Cruise, the actor. The man is willing to leap a from a building a mile and a half in the sky, and he’s willing to strap himself to a plane while it’s in flight.

When Christian Bale said that he based the mannerisms of his American Psycho character, Patrick Bateman, on those of Tom Cruise, this is what he’s talking about: Psychotic dedication to his craft.

If the man can do this, who cares if he is otherwise the most profoundly boring celebrity on the planet?

Source: Reddit