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Today Is (Was) Benedict Cumberbatch's Birthday!

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | July 19, 2014 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | July 19, 2014 |

I just found out that July 19th is/was the 38th birthday of beloved actor, voice of the gods, and probable lizard-person Benedict Cumberbatch. I know many of you fine readers are fans of the ‘Batch so I figured a little appreciation post would not go amiss. It won’t top the 113 Sherlock Holmeses who wished him happy birthday already today, but it’s still fun.

Did you know that he once portrayed painter Vincent Van Gogh? Probably not his best look, but at least he got to keep both ears.
He was definitely more menacing than I would have thought in Star Trek: Into Darkness.
And he’s proven at multiple awards ceremonies that he can wear the hell out of a tux.
But let’s be honest. Most of you enjoy him for his depiction of one very “high functioning sociopath” who you only wish had your number.