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There's Going to Be a Documentary about How Sorry for Chris Brown Chris Brown Is

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 18, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 18, 2016 |

You know who needs loved and snuggled and his side to be heard about that whole minor incident of pounding a woman in the skull a whole bunch thing? Chris Brown.

Warning. You’re actually about to hear a whole lot of people you like or respect make excuses for violence. So. Yeah.

Chris Brown had a rough time after he beat Rihanna nearly unconscious. He even says he considered suicide. But not attempted, because, as we all know, according to Chris, attempting suicide isn’t possible.

Of course, in a running theme that has continued since day one, he never actually seems to be sorry for what he did, only for himself and what he’s faced since he did it. And now there’s a whole documentary devoted to this whiny dickbag and how talented he is and how we should probably excuse that whole beating a woman thing. NEAT.