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The Real-Life Children of Star Trek's Odo Were On Competing Shows on Sunday Night

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 17, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 17, 2015 |

File this under incredibly arcane and almost certainly completely worthless trivia, but I couldn’t help but notice the appearance of the last name Auberjonois on two of my favorite dramas on Sunday night: The Good Wife and Shameless. Auberjonois is obviously not a very common name, but I do know that it belongs to the prolific television character actor Rene Auberjonois, best known to some of you as Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Clayton Runnymede Endicott III in Benson, but better known to me as Paul Lewiston in Boston Legal.


Auberjonois is a very recognizable but obscure last name, so when I saw it listed in the credits for The Good Wife and Shameless, I assumed there must be some relation. Sure enough, Tessa Auberjonois — who played Ian’s nurse on Shameless — is his daughter:

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Meanwhile, his son Remy Auberjonois plays Frank Prady’s campaign manager on The Good Wife.

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And now, I’m sure that the four of you who are familiar with Rene Auberjonois and watch both Shameless and The Good Wife must feel sufficiently enlightened.

You’re welcome!