By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | February 29, 2016 |
By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | February 29, 2016 |
I don’t know about you, but my day could not have started any better this morning than with John Oliver’s triumphant Trump Drumpf takedown, and I plan on using that surname as often as I possibly can. I encourage you to do the same; together we can ensure Drumpf stays exactly where he belongs, which is no nearer the Oval Office than those pipe dreams in his Drumpfy little head. WITNESS HIS DECLINE!
And look, no matter how badly my attempt at humor tanks, it still can’t be any worse than that Stacey Dash thing.
Brie Larson finally got comfy, and that burger she’d been craving. (But who’s that Drumpf in the background, ruining a perfect shot?)
I think I can see Diane Kruger’s Drumpf.
Are you fucking Drumpfing me?
OMG, Did you see that Drumpf?
BB8 had a little bit of Drumpf gunking up a sensor, so Reese cleaned it off.
You just cannot get more smug than this…unless you’re a Drumpf.
Lady Gaga is not amused by the photographer who rudely butted in on her conversation with Nina Dobrev. What a Drumpf.
Everybody Druuuuumpf! No? Just me?
I’ve got nothing; this is just a gorgeous picture of Adams and Clarkson.
Is going…
Being gorgeous is the best revenge. Stick that in your Drumpf-hole, Ben.
Let’s end this on a high note (no Drumpf). Speculation is — after Cate Blanchett touched Kate’s tummy — that La Winslet might be pregnant again.
Ready to DRUMPF up this — and every — place? Here’s the handy-dandy Chrome Drumpfinator extension.