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Gina Carano Continues To Suck, While Pedro Pascal Keeps Our Crush On Him Pure

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | November 9, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | November 9, 2020 |


Gina Carano is a transphobe. Gina Carano thinks the COVID numbers and the election count is a conspiracy against Donald Trump. We know all this because of how she’s been behaving on social media: mocking putting pronouns in bios, spreading GOP conspiracy theories about rampant voter fraud and COVID being a political hoax, while liking tweets from Ben Shapiro and James Woods. Just last week, she was at it again.

In the face of Trump defeat, Carano pivoted from politics to promoting The Mandolorian, on which she has a recurring role as Cara Dune.

It’s funny because democracy is a joke to her!

Carano’s ignorance, condescension, and bigotry may have you feeling soured on watching more of The Mandalorian. Well, take some solace in that the show’s titular star, Pedro Pascal—who has pronouns in his Insta bio!—is firmly Team Blue.

Here’s what Pascal has been posting to Instagram since election day.

He urged people to vote, leaning on his Star Wars ties:

He shared a protest sign that spoke to his beliefs.

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So we’re clear.

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He posted a regal portrait of Stacey Abrams to toast Georgia going blue:

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Cuz #StaceyAbrams.

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He shared pics of virtual celebrations:

Plus, he posted this cheeky music video.

THAT’s the stuff.

The Mandalorian is on Disney+

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