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Don't Tell Matt LeBlanc, But The Friends On 'Friends' Don't Sound Like Very Good Friends At All ...

By Tori Preston | Celebrity | April 21, 2018 |

By Tori Preston | Celebrity | April 21, 2018 |


My favorite episodes of The Graham Norton Show usually involve the most eclectic sets of guests piled on that sofa together. Either that or the drunkest. Now, I haven’t seen the full episode these new clips come from, so I can’t judge how drunk the guests are. But it’s apparent that a lineup including Benedict Cumberbatch, Matt LeBlanc, Maxine Peake, and Britain’s Best Cook’s Mary Berry and Claudia Winkleman is going to be pretty damn eclectic.

Here are a few tastes of what went down on the most recent episode, which should arrive in the states next week, starting with Benedict Cumberbatch’s epic Stephen Hawking humblebrag (Cumberbrag?):

But it wasn’t all fun and games for Benedict, as he looks like he clearly hadn’t had enough wine before Graham hit him with this next bit:

This is a story about filming that classic Friends scene where Rachel makes a “traditional” English beef trifle dessert. But really, it’s a story about how Matt LeBlanc apparently didn’t have any friends on the set of Friends because if he did, none of this would have happened:

And here is, hands down, the best clip of the episode, about that time Mary Berry was arrested as… well, essentially a suspected drug mule:

The Graham Norton Show airs Fridays at 10pm EST on BBC America.