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The Drunk Daughter of Rob Schneider Ruined Dolly Parton's Birthday Party

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 22, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 22, 2024 |


Not cool, Elle King.

I did not know that SNL alum and civil-rights expert Rob Schneider had a grown daughter, much less a Grammy-nominated child, although I have definitely heard the song for which she is most famous, “Exs and Ohs,” and I genuinely like it. Smart of Elle King to use that stage name rather than her real name, Tanner Schneider, lest she be more closely associated with her father. What is the opposite of a nepo baby? Someone who might actually be hurt by an association with her parent?

Not that Elle King hasn’t brought shame upon herself now, having ruined an icon’s birthday party. King, who has toured with the likes of Miranda Lambert, Of Monsters and Men, and The Chicks, introduced herself to an audience at the Grand Ole Opry by saying “Hi, my name is Elle King. I’m f**king hammered.”

Hammered people also tend to do things like forget the lyrics of the song they’re supposed to sing, but Elle King was plastered enough to admit that she never knew them in the first place. “I don’t know the lyrics to this thing in this f-king town. Don’t tell Dolly ‘cause it’s her birthday,” she slurred, and there is video evidence of it spreading on social media.

To be fair, she was so drunk that she told the audience that there was a chance she’d mess up the lyrics to her own song, too, which she performed later, adding, “I’m not even gonna f**king lie, you bought tickets for this **t? You ain’t getting your money back.”

“This sh*t” was a birthday celebration for Dolly’s 78 years on earth at the Grand Ole Opry, which does not look favorably upon the use of profanity (the venue later apologized to the audience). Dolly will forgive because Dolly is a forgiving person, but that doesn’t make it any less of a s**tshow.

via Page Six