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The Battle for the Title of Best Marvel Chris Continues to Rage!

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | June 5, 2017 |

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | June 5, 2017 |

Why, just today the Overlords were discussing which Chris is the best Chris of all of the dudes named Chris in the MCU. Someone (rhymes with Bustin’) said that Pratt could go screw while the rest of us were divided between Hemsworth, Evans, and the aforementioned Pratt. It’s really tough to make a definitive call day by day when you have this:

That’s so sweet! Wonder Woman doesn’t even go here (MCU)! Surely Evans is the best Chris in the MCU.

Wait a minute—what’s this? Hemsworth just swooped in and knocked the championship belt from the hands of Evans.


Pratt? You’re up. Show us what you’ve got!