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Terry Richardson Is Basically a Rapist Monster and Horrible Human Being

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 14, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | March 14, 2014 |

The sexual harassment allegations against skeezebag photographer Terry Richardson have been leaking out slowly over the past several years, but they seem to have hit a fever pitch recently. Remember last year, when Charlotte Free defended Richardson with a complete misunderstanding of sexual harassment, basically saying that it’s not sexual harassment if you know you have to blow him going in?

Well, that was just the tip of the iceberg. The latest of several models to come out is Charlotte Waters, who posted her account anonymously to Reddit, but came out and revealed her identity when the story began to gain traction. Here’s her story (graphic, upsetting) about her experience with Richardson when she was a relatively inexperienced 19 year old model (she’s now a nurse).

From Vocativ:

Well, he put his thumb in my mouth, which I also thought was weird, but I just let it go. And then he backed off and asked me to start undressing. I went in knowing I was going to have to do that, so at this point I’m still totally comfortable. He was having me take stuff off in stages and taking photos all along the way. He and his assistant were both complimenting a lot, which was a little different from what I had experienced before. During the other shoots people would say nice things now and then, but looking back it was obviously Richardson’s effort to make this little 19-year-old girl feel like she is this amazing, special person. So eventually all my clothes were off, and he’s still taking pictures. Then he comes over and asks me to hold the top of his jeans while he takes pictures pointing down. At this moment, things were starting to go in a direction that wasn’t good, but for some reason, I still had a lot of trust in whatever he told me to do, so I just did it. But then he had me unbutton his pants, and he took his penis out, and it was all completely downhill from there.

But it gets worse. So much worse.

Right. Well his penis is out, and he starts taking pictures of me holding it. And then we moved over to a couch, and he had me pose on it with my back to him, and I literally felt him come over and start licking my ass. In my head I was like, Oh my God, what’s happening? He was just licking away, and his assistant came over and started taking pictures with this little point-and-shoot camera. After that he got on the couch with me, and it was just a bunch of back and forth between him directing me to do things to him and him doing stuff to me. At one point he even told me to squeeze his balls as hard as I possibly could, and I was like, Oh my God. But I still did it! Why did I do it?!

He told me to perform oral sex on him. He started aggressively kissing me. I don’t even really remember what specific things were happening at that point, but he was directing everything. Like, “OK squeeze my balls,” “OK, put my dick in your mouth,” “OK, now kiss me.” It wasn’t intimate. He also straddled me and started jerking off on my face.

He told me to keep my eyes open super wide. His assistant was standing right there too, and his cum got in my eyes. This was actually his favorite moment. He got so excited. He kept telling me to keep my eyes open, and he grabbed his camera, and his assistant had her little point-and-shoot, and they were just taking all these pictures of it. Then they finally backed off and one of them got me a towel and told me to wipe myself off

And that’s enough. What a disgusting McDouchefuckerdickbangshithole.

Here’s Terry Richardson’s defense, which of course sounds like horsesh*t.

From Page 6:

“People have become comfortable concocting hate-filled and libelous tales . . . In writing this, I make a humble attempt at correcting these rumors. All that remain are the lies. …

“I collaborated with consenting adult women who were fully aware of the nature of the work, and as is typical with any project, everyone signed releases . . . I have never used an offer of work or a threat of rebuke to coerce someone into something that they did not want to do. I give everyone that I work with enough respect to view them as having ownership of their free will and making their decisions accordingly.”

And how much ownership did a young, malleable 19 year old model have in a situation in which she was naked, vulnerable, and inexperienced, and she was surrounded by two men, one her photographer with his penis out, and another the assistant who was complicit? Free will, my ass.

In addition, here’s a creepy Skype chat that recently came out with a model who rejected Richardson which shows that Richardson is not only a sleaze, but he has terrible grammar.

Here’s a portion of the statement made by the Miss Representation project, encouraging us to stop patronizing those who work with Terry Richardson, a cause which I am fully on board with, because fuck this guy.

In fact, Richardson’s treatment of models is well below the standards of the porn industry that he seems to mimic - where it is common practice for performers to at least have contracts with agreed upon guidelines for performance. Instead, this powerful man is using his position to prey upon young women and perpetuate a dangerous and disgusting ideal of heterosexual masculinity.

Yet, even as some celebrities like Lena Dunham have begun publicly regretting working with Richardson, mainstream press and the fashion industry continue to hire him. Just this past month he photographed Lady Gaga for Harper’s Bazaar and Lebron James for GQ. These major brands are tacitly condoning Richardson’s awful treatment of women - and inspiring others to follow in his footsteps - by agreeing to showcase his work.

Please sign the ongoing petition to encourage companies to pledge to stop working with Terry Richardson. And tweet #NotBuyingIt at irresponsible brands until they get the message.

Terry Richardson’s misogyny is a well-known fact in the fashion industry. It’s time we collectively took a stand against him, and stood up for young women everywhere.

Agreed. Lock his ass up naked in a tank full of lampreys.