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Stephen King Has a Little Something to Say About Idris Elba As 'The Dark Tower's' Gunslinger

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | December 14, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | December 14, 2015 |

Is Idris Elba the most interesting man in the world (sorry Dos Equis guy)? People sure do take an interest in his career as he pushes past perceptions, flashing that gorgeous smile and sunny disposition. After Bond novel author Anthony Horowitz called Elba “too street” to play 007, do we really want to hear another writer’s opinion about whether Elba can play one of his characters?


If that author is the awesome and prolific Stephen King then yes, yes we do. Cutting through all the bullshit as he tends to do, King took to Twitter to speak his mind about that Gunslinger casting rumor our own Steven eloquently analyzed.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, haters.


Roland protecting his “ka-tet” (aka his makeshift family, brought together by destiny) is the essence of his character, not his race.

Speaking of hate, King has just about had it with a certain racist monger and his floppy toupee. The author makes no bones about what he thinks of Trump, or anyone who’d consider voting for the guy.

If indeed Roland is King’s most true representation of himself, I look forward to Trump’s retreat.

“The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.”

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)