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Stacey Dash Thinks It's Very Important For the Internet to Know that Bill Cosby Never Raped Her

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | November 20, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | November 20, 2014 |

It’s been a rough week for Bill Cosby after his Netflix special was dropped,his NBC sitcom project was scrapped, and even Cosby Show reruns were pulled from TV Land. It’s 30 years too late, but this monster is finally getting his due. I just feel terrible for his wife, Camille, who was in full-stand by her man mode in that awkward AP interview, smiling obliviously while Cosby tried to intimidate a reporter into editing out the sexual assault portion of his interview.

But while a lot of women are coming forward to renew their allegations against Cosby, one incredibly brave woman is finally coming forward to reveal that, though she worked with Bill Cosby, he never raped her.

So brave!

The Internet, however, was divided on Dash’s bravery. Some were happy that someone finally spoke up for that poor victim, Bill Cosby.

Others, sadly, showed their clear bias against Bill Cosby before all the facts have come in (like, perhaps, the OTHER 15 women he assaulted over the last 4 decades?)

When CNN’s Jake Tapper asked her if she could account for the other 15 women, Dash wanted to reiterate the importance of Equal Time, which is very important, just as its important when someone is convicted of murder to highlight all the people he didn’t kill.

Thanks Stacey! You’re a real patriot!