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Stacey Dash Said She Wants to Get Rid of Black History Month & The Internet Lost Its Damn Mind

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | January 21, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | January 21, 2016 |

Everyone has— and is of course entitled to have— an opinion about the Academy Awards boycott that’s been in the news this week. You may think it’s a great idea, a great idea in theory, a pointless idea— or maybe you think* that people talk about boycotts too literally and find them “pointless” if they don’t accomplish something grand, rather than seeing them as simply a way for people to make their voices heard en masse.

Anyway, you probably have an opinion on the matter. Stacey Dash also has an opinion. And the internet is not happy with it.

You may know Dash as Dionne from Clueless (terrible driver, technical virgin, and wearer of Dr. Seuss hats), and wonder why she’s relevant enough to be making headlines. If so, I envy the fact that you’ve managed to avoid knowing that Dash’s new job title is, bafflingly, “Hollywood Conservative.” That’s apparently a job.


So when Dash was asked on Fox & Friends what she thought of the boycott response to the overwhelmingly white list of Oscar nominees, she said she thought it was “ludicrous.” Why? “Because we have to make up our minds. Either we want segregation or integration.”

Sure, it’s that easy. Ignoring the disadvantages actors, writers, directors, and pretty much every minority and woman faces just in getting jobs that can be recognized on this level, then adding in the fact that the largely white pool of artists is who votes on the awards, and that people tend to see movies and identify with characters that look and feel like themselves— yes, if you ignore all that, the systemic inequalities and ingrained prejudices and privileges older than the industry itself, it’s definitely as easy as choosing to integrate.

And it’s not just the Oscars that have Dash up in arms.

If we don’t want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET, and the BET Awards and the Image Awards, where you’re only awarded if you’re black. If it were the other way around, we would be up in arms. It’s a double standard. Just like there shouldn’t be a Black History Month. You know, we’re Americans, period. That’s it

Now that is Stacey Dash’s opinion. She is totally within her rights to express it. She’s even getting paid to express it on television. That’s fine. But it does not mean that the rest of us don’t get to call her out for the GODDAMN IDIOT THAT SHE IS. And that’s what the internet is for.

BET, by the way, is not not too happy about her call to take them off the air. Especially considering that they once employed her.

Oh, Dionne.

*Vivian Kane thinks