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Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Just Got a Whole New Meaning

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | March 18, 2020 |

By Kate Hudson | Celebrity | March 18, 2020 |


Friends, we don’t talk about Kevin Bacon enough here. We should change that, if only because Kevin Bacon was in Wild Things and Wild Things is one of the best trashy movies of all time. Also, Footloose, but more to the point, Wild Things … and Tremors! Tremors is excellent. I’m getting way off track here.

See, the real reason we’re here today is not for me to mumble random things and mention Wild Things a lot, it’s to tell you that Kevin Bacon is using his fame for good, in the form of a new social media campaign designed to get you to stay the f*ck home because some dummies really aren’t taking this whole pandemic thing seriously enough and it shows because the line of young people crowded together to get over-priced hipster sh*t at the restaurant by my house is f*cking ridiculous right now.

I’ll let explain Kevin’s new campaign because if I explain it to you, I’m just going to start talking about Wild Things again because I haven’t even mentioned Matt Dillion’s creeptastic role in it yet:

On Wednesday, the Footloose star launched a sweet “Six Degrees” campaign to encourage people around the world to share who they are staying home for amid the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and social distancing.

Yes, as I (hope) you all know, we’re all 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon, which means we all need to stay the f*ck home right now for each other’s sake lest we get Kevin or someone else, sick.

Here’s the full social media post he’s made. You’ll be sad to note there’s no mention of Wild Things in it, though:

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#IStayHomeFor @kikkosedg! Hey everybody, it’s now so important to stay home and keep our distance from others if you are able. It’s one way we can help prevent the spread of #Coronavirus and save lives. The more of us who can, make it safer for those who can’t. So if you’re home too like me, post a video or photo with a sign like mine, telling who you are staying home for and ask 6 friends to do the same. Post it with the hashtag #IStayHomeFor so I can see and share. The more folks involved, the merrier - We’re all connected by various degrees (Trust me, I know!) I’m kicking it off with @jimmyfallon @eltonjohn @Brandicarlile @kevinhart4real @ddlovato @davidbeckham - but I encourage YOU ALL to join in too! Let’s use this 6 Degree thing to do some good! … . #Corona #Coronavirus #StayHome #StaySafe #6Degrees #ThinkingOfYou #SpreadTheWord

A post shared by Kevin Bacon (@kevinbacon) on

So far, as of this afternoon, none of the celebrities that Bacon tagged have joined in on the challenge but give it time. I very much need Kevin Hart to do it and tag 6 celebrities, because you know he will tag The Rock and that will make me happy.

In fact, if you’re wondering what The Rock is up to, because I’m always wondering what The Rock is up to, I’ll share his latest post, which encouraged us all to stay healthy and take care of each other, so you know he’s down for social distancing. Liz Warren would never like a dude who wasn’t.

Anyway, that’s your daily Kevin Bacon update, with a bonus Rock touch base thrown in for good measure. Now I’m going to go watch Wild Things and I suggest you do the same.

Header Image Source: Getty