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Scandal's Columbus Short Arrested on Felony Charges, And It's Not the First Time

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | March 26, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | March 26, 2014 |

On Scandal, Columbus Short refers to himself and the other descandalizers as “gladiators in suits.” Well, it turns out Short isn’t so much a gladiator in a suit as he is an asshole with violent behavior.

It was reported this week that Short had a warrant out for his arrest after attacking a guy in a bar fight. According to TMZ (which, by the way, it hurts my soul to cite as a source), Short came up behind the man and “suckerpunched” him, after the guy had been talking some trash or some such nonsense. The man was reportedly unconscious for a few minutes, and ended up with a broken nose.

While this story is getting decent coverage, what hasn’t gotten much attention is the fact that this is not Short’s first incidence of reported violence. In February of this year, he was charged with misdemeanor spousal abuse and ordered to stay away from him wife. He was also charged with felony battery in 2010 (It was later reduced to a charge of disturbing the peace).

Short turned himself in to the police after his warrant was issued and was released yesterday on $50,000 bail. He faces up to four years in prison. As a few “news” outlets have been quick to point out, this shouldn’t conflict with the shooting of Scandal, which is set to wrap it’s current season this week. Cause obviously that’s what’s important here.

Via ">ABC.