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Ryan Adams Is Not Doing Well

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 29, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | July 29, 2021 |


Ryan Adams is not doing well in the wake of a 2019 New York Times story that outed the singer as a heinous, emotionally blackmailing creep, who used his position to manipulate women into sex and retaliated against them when they spurned him. His ex-wife, Mandy Moore, also took part in the piece (only after Adams shit-talked her for years), as did Phoebe Bridgers, and the story also revealed that Adams was carrying on a sexting relationship with an underage girl.

Now Adams is asking his fans to take pity on him, complaining on social media (in now-deleted posts via Variety) that no label will put out his music and, “I’m 46 and scared and I’m gonna be living in my sister’s basement.” His sister will take him in?

“I know I’m damaged goods,” he wrote in the deleted posts, “and they aren’t the ideal thing, but I had a label interested for months and they wasted my time … I just really want a second chance to make some music — maybe help other people believe you can get up out of the gutter and be something.”

Adams deleted the post because he thought that Variety (and others on social media) were shaming him, and so he took to Instagram to rebuff others for attacking him for being “too real” after his publicist quit (he still had a publicist?). He attributed his sexual misconduct to mental health and — despite having a publicist until earlier this week and a couch in his sister’s basement to sleep on if necessary— complained that he has been offered no path to redemption.

Poor Ryan.

Seems like he has a lot of nice equipment in his home. He might want to sell some of that and buy himself a nice couch for his sister’s basement.