By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 18, 2023 |
By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 18, 2023 |
If you’d told me 20 years ago that Summer Roberts from The O.C. would marry Darth Vader and talk openly about her sex life on podcasts, I’d have said … what’s a podcast and where can I listen to one? Rachel Bilson has been very forthcoming on her podcast (and others), sharing details about Bill Hader’s penis, her first orgasm, and her favorite sexual position.
Alas, a more lighthearted comment she shared a couple of weeks ago apparently cost her a job, as she revealed on this week’s Broad Ideas. The comment that got her in trouble came when she was talking about her favorite sexual positions, and she said that she liked to be “manhandled.”
“First of all, I said it in a joking manner in the interview, like, ‘Yeah, I wanna get f—king manhandled.’ Basically, it’s like, okay give control or take control in the bedroom, whatever,” she said.
Unfortunately, there was blowback. “A single mom, a woman, lost a job because they were being candid and honest and the subject was sex.” I assume the job wasn’t with HBO, FX, or AMC, but more likely, a prudish family-friendly network scandalized that a woman in her 40s would dare to talk about sex publicly.
“I’ve been floored honestly. Everything was set in motion and I lost the job. It sucks … I haven’t said anything inappropriate. Choice of language, if I could go back, now knowing I lost a job, maybe I would say it differently. But I still wouldn’t not say it.”
The cultural backlash to frank and honest conversations about sex comes not only from conservatives, it seems, but also from a less sexually active younger generation often referred to as “puriteens.” It’s confounding.
Source: Broad Ideas