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People Asked Idris Elba Anything

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | September 21, 2014 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | September 21, 2014 |

Unlike a lot of the internet I’m generally not a fan of Reddit AMAs because about 50% of the “questions” are typically people trying to show off how much they know about the interviewee which doesn’t necessarily result in interesting questions. Like when this one right here. And there’s been a big deal made about his “Nic Cage” story which is just that Nic Cage decided to spend a night in Dracula’s castle while they were shooting Ghost Rider. Really, that’s the whole thing.

Still, reading through the whole thing has unearthed a few interesting nuggets for fans of his work like:
- His favorite scene to shoot on The Wire. Which is spoilery so if you’ve seen the show (or don’t care) you can click through.
- His favorite Disney movie is Mary Poppins which I find adorable for some reason.
- The person transcribing the interview fully wrote out all his “thinking noises” so if you ever wanted to know what Idris Elba sounds like when he’s mulling something over, you’ve got your answer.
- One of his proudest works is the video for Mumford and Sons “Lover of the Light” which he directed and starred in.
- He makes no comment on the possibility of a sequel to RockNRolla which means this whole endeavor is basically useless as far as I’m concerned.

You can read the full AMA on reddit.

h/t to Uproxx.