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If You're Curious Who Paris Hilton Voted For, It's the One Who Leched All Over Her When She Was 12

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | November 17, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | November 17, 2016 |

Two things: Paris Hilton is still somehow famous enough to be invited on television. Also, people continue to ask her things about elections despite the fact that when she was starring in the “Vote or Die” campaign, she was unregistered to vote.


We should have picked death.

Hilton was on The Project in Australia, and asked if she voted for Trump, she responded, “I’ve known him since I’m a little girl, so yes.” Which is the same reason I voted for Teddy Ruxpin. Ruxpin/Rainbow Brite 2020.

They do go way back. All the way back to when she was 12 and Donald thought she was way hot, as he told Howard Stern. Trigger warning: your gag reflex.

“I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12,” Trump — who admitted to watching her infamous sex tape, 1 Night in Paris — said on the shock jock’s radio show. “Her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her, she walked into a room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’”

Asked if he “wanted to bang” Paris at the time, the real estate tycoon said, “She’s a very … Well, at 12 I wasn’t interested. I’ve never been into that. They’ve sort of always stuck around that 25 category.”

Yes, “I’ve never been into that” is something an actual president said to explain why he didn’t want to actually fuck a 12-year-old child.

When she “wrote” (*shakes head no*) her book Confessions of an Heiress, it featured a blurb from her good buddy. “I have known Paris Hilton for much of her young life and have always recognized her as a great beauty. What people don’t know is that she is a great beauty on the inside as well.”


Tune in tomorrow to when we find out Hilton is a frontrunner for Secretary of Defense.