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These Pictures of Oscar Isaac Should Come With A Health Warning, Because DAMN...

By Hannah Sole | Celebrity | February 21, 2018 |

By Hannah Sole | Celebrity | February 21, 2018 |


The hotness of Oscar Isaac isn’t news; he’s in the Pajiba 10 Hall of Fame for good reason. But sometimes we deserve nice things, so what better way to perk up your day than a thirst-fest masquerading as a news feature? YOU’RE WELCOME!

GQ provided a sneak peek of the artwork for their Spring 2018 issue this week, and DEAR GODTOPUS, THE PICTURES.

Here he is, looking like a saint on the cover:

So far, normal levels of Oscar Isaac hotness are holding steady. But then this happens.


Oh, it’s like there are two of them. *Fans self, wildly*

Here he is, dancing with his shadow. EVEN HIS SHADOW IS HOT.

If that’s not enough, he’s on promotional duty at the moment for Annihilation, which means you might spot him in a slightly less flamboyant suit, if that’s what floats your boat.

Or maybe you prefer beautiful men to serenade you? GOT YOU COVERED!

On this cold February day, when payday seems forever away and the world is full of bleak news, you deserved a little treat. (So did your lions.) Anyone else feeling a little light-headed now?